Google Ads Not Converting: Troubleshooting Guide & Strategic Steps to Improve Performance

Google Ads Not Converting Introduction

You've been spending serious dough on campaigns, but they aren't delivering the goods, and Google Ads aren't converting. That's exactly what we are going to be looking into today. Ready to ramp up your campaign? Let's dive in!

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See how PPC Rocket can help you achieve best practices when it comes to Google Ads. Optimize your ad spend with all the tools you need to measure, track, and improve performance.

Why Is It Important to Pay Attention to Your Google Ads Campaigns

Using Ads for your business, with a well-defined marketing strategy, and having trouble with Google Ads not converting?

Well, choosing the right keyword is like picking the winning team for a big game - it's crucial! A good keyword pulls in customers like a magnet, But the wrong ones? They're like throwing your money down the drain, leading to situations where you're not converting.

So, what do you do when your choice of keywords just isn't bringing in the results?

Well, this is your call to action to address and rectify these issues before any more resources are wasted.

So you're not getting enough clicks from your Ads keyphrase? No need to worry, Let's explore some simple steps that might help to change your fortune.

Improve Ad Copy

Your Ad copy is just as key as your right keywords. If the Ad copy is not persuasive, engaging, or relevant enough, users will be unlikely to click on the Ad. Or even worse, users click on your ad but leave your site immediately after the click. So you pay but don't get any benefit. To identify this, you should monitor your bounce rate and react accordingly. Key elements such as these should be given attention when writing your Ad copy.

Pay attention to which Ad copy is performing best and then make slight variations so you can continue to test and improve your results.

Experiment With Match Types

When you add a new keyword target to your website you will have the option of choosing between different match types. These include broad match, phrase match, and exact match.

For example, selecting a match type like ‘Exact match’ will mean that the specific phrase you are bidding on has to be typed in full by searchers in order for your ad to be displayed.

This will mean the searches are more relevant and should, in theory, increase the conversion rate, if applicable, even positively impact the click-through rate.

However, the downside of striving for a high CTR (Click Through Rate) is that they usually come with a higher CPC (Cost Per Click).

The amount you are willing to bid for per click can significantly affect both your CTR and your conversion rate.

If you are finding that you are not getting enough clicks, or perhaps your CTR is not high enough, this could potentially be due to a low-quality score. In response to this issue, you could try increasing your bids or better to improve your Google Ads Quality Score.

Improve Ad Relevance

In addition to your other strategies, improving your great Ad copy to create Ads that better match the intent of your target audience is crucial.

For example, if "landing page" is one of the terms you are focusing on, consider integrating it into your Ad Groups' copy.

This approach can boost the relevance of your ads when they appear in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for text ads on the Search network.

When implemented effectively within your ad groups, the phrase "landing page" and other targeted terms will be prominently displayed in the search results, making your ads more appealing to users. As the ad is more relevant for the user the CTR will increase.

Landing Page

Ensure your ads reflect the terms you are targeting, for example, 'AdWords conversion rate,' and also consider the relevancy while running ads.

High CR (Conversion Rate) should be one of your primary goals for your landing pages. Another goal is to reduce the bounce rate of landing pages.

As you can imagine, if your ad and landing page do not seem overtly pertinent to your targeted terms, including 'AdWords conversion rate,' at a quick glance while running ads, it can drastically reduce your conversion rate.

This lack of relevancy can also negatively impact your site's bounce rate and overall site health, mainly because the experience on the landing pages fails to meet the user's expectations set by terms like 'AdWords conversion rate.

We'll show you some helpful clues and useful tools that'll make it easier to identify the ideal phrases for your local area businesses.

The Best Way to Come Up With Effective Google Ads Keyword

If your Google Ads campaign search terms aren't leading to the desired sales conversions, perhaps via your website, there are a few things you can do to try and improve your results.

This is particularly important for local businesses, where a poorly performing Google Ads campaign can often be transformed into a powerful sales tool by making a few strategic tweaks.

Identifying why your terms aren't driving better sales conversions, especially on your website, is the first step for local businesses to enhance their presence and generate sales more.

Relevant to Your Offer

First things first, it's crucial to ensure the keyword you're focusing on matches your goods or services. After all, there's no point in spending cash on clicks from folks who are on the hunt for something totally different.

Such clicks won't probably lead to successful transactions and might just end up burning a hole in your pocket. Consider this scenario - imagine if someone clicked on your Ad expecting to find what they need, only to land on a page that has nothing to do with what they were searching for.

Odds are, they'll leave your site faster than you can say "Oops". This abrupt exit, also known as a "bounce", is like waving a red flag to Google, indicating that something may be amiss with your site. In the end, this could tarnish your Quality Scores over time which will lead to higher CPCs.

Doing your keyword intent research to find the best options for your target keyword list is an essential part of managing your Ads campaign strategy and optimizing your ad spend.

This research is not only important for your ad spend efficiency but also crucial for your SEO strategy, if that is another focus in your online marketing strategy.

Google Ads Not Converting - How Effective Keywords Can Help

Finding a range of effective popular keywords to bid on, like "marketing strategies" or "social proof", can mean you can engage the right audiences while keeping within budget.

This strategy is particularly beneficial when designing your landing page as it aligns with your marketing strategies and demonstrates the social proof of your success. Here are some types of words you should consider.

Not only do these words help to attract the right audience, addressing their pain points, but they also play a significant role in enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Ensuring that your landing page is optimized with good words and is keenly aware of your audience increases visibility and the average conversion rate, and tracking makes it more likely that you'll stay within your budget.

Long and Short-Tail Keyword

Finding a range of long and short-tail keywords will help you to rank for low-volume highly-specific searches and broader but more often searched keywords.

A long-tail keyword is a specific, highly-targeted phrase, for example ‘Where to find Men’s black shorts in South East London?

Chances are, with people searching for such specific terms, you'll witness a whirlwind of activity and the best part. Your wallet won't feel like a thing.

Short-tail terms, on the other hand, are far shorter and more vague e.g. 'men’s shorts'. However, they can also be very specific when they include your brand name.

Non-branded short-tail terms are likely to attract more competition and will, therefore, have a higher CPC.

Despite this, due to their broad reach, they can still result in more conversions, sometimes even exceeding the average conversion rate.

Keyword Competition

The amount of competition for your target keyword will impact your click-through rates and conversion rates on your ads and landing pages. Keywords with higher competition will usually require a higher bid to win.

The same goes for other Google searches. When you search for a hot keyword, it's like this lightning-quick auction. The ones with more to spend tend to win and pop up first in your search.

No matter what you're focusing on, it's important to observe how things change over time. do a bit of trial and error, and before you know it, you'll find a bunch of words that make a big difference for your business.

What’s the Secret to Uncovering the Perfect Keyword?

If your Ads campaign isn't hitting the mark, it might be high time to give your keyword a thorough once-over. The Google Keyword Planner can be your best buddy for discovering fresh terms. It will allow you to gain key insights, and ensure that the campaign of your Google Ads works as efficiently as possible.

Dive into your Advertisements Account and head over to Tools > Keyword Planner. Now, pop a basic keyword related to "Google searches" into the "Find" box and give the "Get ideas" button a quick click.

What you'll see next is a roundup of words connected to your original one, including possible opportunities for improving conversions.

Google Analytics

First, you need to go to the 'Acquisition' tab, then move on to 'Campaigns', and finally, 'Keyword'. This is the place where you get to see what people are typing in to find your website and spot the words that are bringing in a lot of traffic.

Are you noticing that the ad campaign words you're banking on in your Google Ads account, even with the use of ad extensions, are getting lots of clicks but not turning into actual leads or sales? Well, that's a pretty clear sign there's a snag with your ad campaign words. Just ensure your terms are bang on.

Second, I'd suggest using the 'negative keyword'. This helps filter out searches that aren't likely to turn into conversions. Understanding conversions in this context is important - these are the valuable actions a user takes on your website, like making a purchase or filling out a form.

Lastly, switch up your keyword match types. This strategy not only ensures that your ads appear for the audience who truly value your value propositions, but it can also help increase conversions.

By sticking to these tips, you'll likely notice your keyword intent conversion rates getting better, thereby making your Advertisement efforts truly worthwhile.

PPC Rocket

Here at PPC Rocket, we offer a useful Performance Analyzer, including a specialist Non-Converting Keyword tool. We have specifically designed it to optimize your ad campaigns and support your search term intent strategy. This tool offers enhanced visibility of PPC Ads terms in your campaigns that are not converting, across up to different date ranges.

Unlike the reports available from Google, PPC Rocket will allow you to rapidly identify which terms in your Ad campaigns are underperforming. Keyword optimization like this should be an ongoing task as what works for your business can change. It is worth paying attention to the keyword search data and finding new words to target.

Using Negative Keywords to Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns

If your Google Ads campaigns aren't producing the desired results, you may need to rethink the strategy you use to create advertisements. Secondly, one effective method is the use of negative keywords. These negative keywords are words or phrases added to your Ad account, campaign, or ad group. Their purpose is to filter out unqualified traffic. Consequently, they can enhance the efficiency of your ads. Moreover, negatives are a great tool to enhance your keywords' quality scores. Importantly, this improvement can directly boost your pay-per-click Ad conversions. A Google Ads Ngram Analysis of your search terms is a must to identify the right negative keywords. Check out our Ngram Tool here at PPC Rocket.

Google Ads Extensions

To elaborate, Ad extensions add more information to your Ads and provide extra links in your pay-per-click ad groups. As a result, your Ads become more appealing to potential customers and are more likely to improve conversions. This improvement can lead to better Ad rank and, consequently, more conversions, and even generate more sales too. To find these pivotal words, start by delving into your search terms report. This report will show you the queries that triggered your ads and whether or not they resulted in a click.

Seeing a bunch of searches that don't lead to clicks? Alright, let's get started on finding those elusive new keywords you've been searching for.

Have you really examined the terms you're using in your services? Is what you're providing aligning with their needs? If the terms that you're using in your service are not effective, it might be time for a change.

And guess what? We can use Google's Keyword Planner to unearth them. Here's a simple, straightforward way to kick things off. Just pop your primary keyword into the tool, and then hit that "Get ideas" button.

Google Ads Not Converting? Try PPC Rocket's Performance Analyzer!

Feeling a bit puzzled because your Ad keyphrase isn't really doing the trick? Well, it's time to rethink and get a new strategy. By considering tools like PPC Rocket, you can significantly improve your results. Notably, it's super handy for pinpointing those pesky keywords in your account that just aren't bringing in the conversions.

Furthermore, we harness the vast potential of improved conversions by giving users tailored Ad content. Therefore, with PPC Rocket, you can effectively optimize keywords and Ad groups. In turn, you can expect to significantly boost your average conversion rate.

Start Creating Better Google Ads

See how PPC Rocket can help you achieve best practices when it comes to Google Ads. Optimize your ad spend with all the tools you need to measure, track, and improve performance.

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